As of the 2016-2017 academic year, Anadolu University Open Education Faculty put into effect the practice of taking 4 wrongs and 1 right. The related application calculates the average and grade in the new system.In test exams consisting of multiple choice questions, one fourth of the number of wrong answers is subtracted from the number of correct answers for each test prepared with five choices. The exam grade is calculated by multiplying the result obtained with the point value of a question. If the exam grade is below zero, this grade is considered zero.As a result of the exams, 30% of the midterm exam grade and 70% of the final exam grade are taken and the "Success grade" is calculated.The lower limit value of "Success Grade" is 35, effective from the spring semester of the 2019-2020 academic year, and letter grades in Anadolu University Open Education System are determined according to the Principles of the Student Evaluation System of Anadolu University Open Education, Economics and Management Faculties in the relevant semester in which the course is taken.